Meal Train
We greatly appreciate all of the offers of help we’ve already received from our friends and family. We’re fortunate to have our parents visiting and helping during the first few weeks of Margalit’s life. After that, we welcome your home cooked or takeout/delivery meals. You can use the link below to sign up if you’re so moved.
Dietary Restrictions
Ben and Anna’s house is pescatarian, so no meat please. And for fish, please no shellfish.
Ben has a mild peanut allergy, so no peanuts please. Your home/the restaurant doesn’t have to be completely peanut free; as long as you don’t serve Ben actual peanuts, he’ll be fine.
Other Restrictions
Please leave food on our front porch and knock or text to let us know that you've dropped it off. While we’d love to visit with all of you, we anticipate being completely exhausted for the time being, and there’s a good chance we might be knocked out or asleep when you drop off food. Therefore, we’d like to keep our socializing separate and plan times to visit with you at a different time. Of course, if things are going well and we’re awake, we’d love to spend a few minutes visiting. We’ll let you know if that’s the case!